Cheers to One Year!

Wow how time flies when you’re having fun! It may be cliché, but it’s the truth. The past year really has flown by for us. One year ago today officially went live on the internet bringing our own unique bohemian vibe to the wanderlust souls of the world. While many months of work went in to the launch, May 13, 2017 was go day. I chose this day because it was my Great Grandma’s birthday and thought it would give our little business the good vibes it needed to get off to a great start.

Celebrating our first birthday on the blog.Great Grandma was born and raised in Hawaii so the Aloha spirit is always with us where ever we go. It's only fitting we have a pineapple party to celebrate our first birthday (since we couldn't make it to Hawaii)!


Small Business, Big Dreams

First off, we would like to thank all our loyal customers, family, and friends who have supported us over the last year and joined in on the adventure. None of this would be possible without you. We truly are a small business with just us two running the entire operation (well mostly me, but I couldn’t do any of it without Jeremy’s support and help when I need it). We have no staff, and every social media post, email, ad, and photo you see was done by us, except for select photos provided by our awesome Brand Ambassador team. We have relished in the opportunity to learn as we go along and improve with each passing day. Even when we are taking a day off to enjoy the beach or a hike, we manage to squeeze in a little photo shoot or spend some time engaging on social media. This business has literally been our life for the last year day in and day out.

Location scouting turns into a family affair, trying to find the perfect spot to photograph products and beautiful scenery.Photo shoot location scouting turns into a family affair. Jeremy mans the camera, while Indy and I look for spots to showcase the products. Featuring the Wanderlust Weekender Bag.


Change is a Good Thing

I’ve always believed in the power of a year and the great changes that can happen in that time. So much has changed for us, I made Davis Taylor Trading Co my full-time job, we went on five camping trips and too many hikes to count (which would have never been possible if I was still working my old 8-5 job), and we found out we are having a baby. Yep, the Davis Taylor clan is growing, in just three months our little guy will be here to take us on the real adventure of a lifetime. We can’t wait to introduce him to the trails, campsites, and mountains that hold so many precious childhood memories for ourselves and see him build his own.

Let the Adventure Begin - The Davis Taylor family is expanding.Let the adventure begin - Baby Taylor due August 2018.


What's Next?

What will the next year bring? We are looking at new products, new adventures, and new ways we can help you live life to the fullest so that adventure always fuels your soul. Thanks for coming along for the ride.


Peace, love, and freedom,

Melissa Davis

Founder, Davis Taylor Trading Co

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